Elegy Shape

Art by Minicrisp

Art by Minicrisp

i lay before you viscid piecemeal; eye sideways; creased in places that could be elbow or mouth; mosaic vermillion; as with oxygen as without. tell me what impressions i leave between blinking; what widowed hands; how i extend like spiders; what long waves & high frequency; patterned to defy any semblance of face. are my blues soft? are my oranges bloody? watch my craters periscope like they’re struggling to see. can you sense the darkness of my dimension? how my paint peels where i am bright? i amoeba like a scab unpicked. could you see yourself stroke inside the ocean of my pucker? so vivid you could lift my whole skin? under your nail? all at once?

Amy Jannotti

Amy Jannotti (she/her) is a pile of dust in a trenchcoat living & writing in Philadelphia, where she received her BFA in Creative Writing from the University of the Arts. Her debut chapbook VULGARSWEET (2022) is forthcoming from GutSlut Press. Her poems have been featured in Non.Plus Lit, Burning House Press, Fever Dream Magazine, & elsewhere. She tweets @cursetheground


The Rupture Of Membranes


Poverty & War