Girl As An Island

Safe passage has become extinct,

an unseaworthy vessel rests in

solitude along a jagged shore line—

girl left as sea spray, as the briny air. 

She counts the edges of broken 

shells, watches tiny red flags 

disappear under the rise of bay 

water. Girl as a lesson in decay, as

the dead fish spit out along wet sand,

marked as uninhabitable. 

Cover photo by Bernadetta Watts

Taylor Emily Copeland

Taylor Emily Copeland is a poet from Eastern Pennsylvania. She is the author of two chapbooks: "Caffeine kisses and long sleeves" and "Monarch", both available from Maverick Duck Press. Her poems have recently appeared in Philosophical Idiot, among many others. She is a four time Best of the Net nominee and also was nominated for Best of the Web. She reads obsessively, likes pink things, drinks too much coffee, drives aimlessly and falls in love too easily. She is unashamed of all of it.


Something happened last night


A Synonym for Doctor is Hunter