In My Dreams

Cento from “GRAND PRIX”, “heartache atheism”, “IN WHICH I RUN OUT OF BREATH BEFORE THE END”, “it must be nice not to believe in god”,“somewhere sirens”, “watermelon juice and snow”, and “www” by Joyce Liu & “Together and by Ourselves” by Alex Dimitrov

I always think of you even when I don’t mean to. People say your name and all I can conjure are shared mittens and badly wrapped boxes. I haven’t missed you for long and you are so gone. 

All I can see when I close my eyes is you, and in my dreams I ripped the world open at the seams for you. I think when you close yours you just see your eyelids. What I’m saying is you were always so good at pretending not to care I’m starting to believe it wasn’t pretending at all. How do you turn off all the love? 

I just miss being wanted. In my head you still want me but I know that we’re past that. I am waiting for someone to come back for me. Who will weigh my heart and tell me I was enough? 

In dreams I can ask for anything I want. So I do, so I do.

Cover photo by Bernadetta Watts

Aura Martin

Aura Martin is a writer from Missouri. She is the author of two poetry books, with a third forthcoming in 2022. Aura’s work has appeared in Burning Jade, Southchild Lit, Wrongdoing Magazine, and elsewhere. In her free time, she likes to run, take road trips, and interview writers. Find Aura on Twitter @instamartin17.




Where We Began