The Devil In My Tongue

   One cool evening. 

  I decided to greet a 

  mother, like I greet my mom 

          "eku ale ma" (good morning, ma.) 

   then yesterday, 

    I heard she's been carved

    into a hole, like a hot nail, run

        through a candle. 

      I laid many question marks. 

          they said, too many things 

     I ask,  than I can handle. 

             they said, my greetings, 

        sailed her lungs, to the 

       to the edge, of a archangel's knife. 

           This morning, 

     I same way, decided to 

     greet a father, like I greet my dad. 

        "Good morning sir"

       sooner, I heard, he's taken 

           too many

     broken glass, like he takes

      his sweet chilled  beers, 

           in the hot noons. 

      I'm scared to ask why?

      Someone might

           whisper,  that  I stab his 

            pump, plastered thorns 

        to his hardest walls, 

          that collapsed. 

      I hate to say, "was it?/

             could it be me, 

        who dug'd his pit?"

        shit like this darkens

                 my soul. 

              Lord. Seize me too, 

        into a new tongue. 

Daniel Akinyemi Oluwatoyese

Daniel Akinyemi Oluwatoyese, is a young poet from Nigeria, an artist, fictional writer & a public speaker. He is 19 years old.

Instagram: @daniel_2002_2


My Murdered Land


Of Blood, Bus Stations And Backpacks // I Am No Gentle Soul