Running Water

I lay beside the tiny shady stream,

where I write your name.

And in vain, I try to tell in words 

my thoughts of you,

It’s insane.

The running water rushes by your name

with every drip it draws a bow around 

your face.

In every gleam, I see the way you

walked away,

like a deer getting away from earnest flame,

in a deep dark forest with a careless fire,

leaping in every direction, hurrying to retire.

With soft eyes and irises sweet 

with never remembered rain.

With strength, I beckon on you to return.

And grace the day once more like a dame.

But that’s all gone now I realise.

I’m sane, I wake, to see the waves are

come again.

And like my tears, the running water’s

washed away your name. 

Cover photo by Bernadetta Watts

Ebob Etchu-Takang

Ebob Etchu-Takang(she/her) is a young Agronomist living in Buea, Cameroon. She's a poet and spoken word artist who is passionate about the environment, music and graphic design. She loves reading, writing, watching football and dreams of visiting at least 100 countries in the world. You can get her on Twitter at @glee_e1 and on Facebook as Ebob Etchu Takang.




This Day