Best Friend Love Poem #2
For Kelly, after Frank O’Hara
i woke up and i could NOT wait to tell you
O that the sun was so hot already but not too hot
and i slept lastnight with out my air conditioner so the softie breath
of the day, that true air of the day already touched my face this morning
and O my god the cat at my feet where he sleeps now every day it’s like
he’s totally telling me he loves me and i woke up to the groupchat humming
!!! already with plans for the beach and when i think of the beach it’s all
pleasure and wet joy and crunchy melting salami and i started to write this
my head the beach is a poem and the groupchat is a FUCK-ING poem those little hearts
that you can react with those are POEMs and when Gillian says
boys good morning a poem and even though my head is poundingpoundingpounding
cuz we drank a lot of wine last night i hop out of bed and put on a bathing suit like
okay OK ok look at my body and it looks pretty good even though my skin’s peeling off my calves
a little okay ok OKAY my body looks pretty good and that’s a poem and when i walk
into the kitchen and i remember that i set the coffee pot timer last night so babie !!!! i had coffee
ready when i woke up !!! and because i know myself (another reason i couldn’t wait
to tell you) i set it for so early, 8-o-clock-early, and the coffee was finally the perfect temp
pre-luke-warm which is how I like it but not so cold that the milk and oils
get too fat and chalky on my tongue perfect I swear to fucking god i love when i d o g o o d
4 me !!! feeels fucking cool to do and then you know babie, you know what happens
at 11:45 darkness descends but like william styron it’s Visible from the moment i open
my eyes it’s a cloud in the corner of my bedroom and i worry it could coil around me or hurt the
kitty but another thing that i s o h g o d i don’t feel alone today usually i am alone but for the cat and you
sometimes even when i’m at the bar or party or beach or the bar or party or beach or the bar or
party or beach or the bar or party or beach or the bar or party or beach or the bar or party or beach or
when we lay around together in bed babie i get so alone but hahahahahahahahahaha HA
lmao i know i’m not alone today and i went to the forest mini mart on wilson avenue and they had-my
favorite seltzer, tangerine right on the top of the stack and it was nice and cold and then i
almost bought some beer but heard my own voice saying babie you have beer at home, and isn’t it better
yoU would say sometimes SOMETIMES to save your cash ??? to say yes-of-course to desires
leaking out our ears but to act like a camp counselor for those desires and give them yarn to make knots
keep their sticky fingers all occupied making lanyards and BABIE the tex-ture of those
flat rubber ribbons at summer CAMP when you would bite them to cut them a po-em after making the
box or winding staircase the bounce on your teeth another thing i’vee been dreaming to tell you
and i had pineapple at home and even though it was a little old, the yellow cubes browned the juice
a fat sticky syrup (which made me think of the cum thing a little bit) it tasted good
actually, with my yogurt and granola and i had the 2% yogurt as a treat and i know that’s a little
scarsdale diet (Virginia-Slim-Chablis-black-coffee-Betty-Draper-egg-white-omelet) but
it felt like a treat Actually, and the groupchat still and dinging a poem and babie you said you w-
ere on your way to the C train already and feeling the sheet of glass O unpreparedness crash
over me but even that is a good feeling sometimes outside my window there’s construction but it sounds
like the ice machine actually the fat true cubes KOOL DRAFT? Or KOLD with a K when you
dig the scoop really deep into the pool of ice and it’s the first scoop and it hits the bottom
of the ice bucket in absolute dramatics actually and the saw sounds like my vibrator actually
and babie i couldn’t wait to tell you is-n’t i t s o o o o o o o o o o o o ooooo wild actually
that these things sound so similar hah! it’s like having a glass of wine and you’re like o
O i get it now finally why People say Tobacco or mineral-LY lick-ING slate or cherry
Luden’s cough drops or asphalt when it is raining i’m doing tasting notes of schaefer street
sounds frank sounds crowded our neighborhood and babie i couldn’t fucking WAIT TO TELL YOU
Hahahah and i could do that about my own poems toooo you know, this is ecstatic-static-beloved-
moonheart but also goD-if-i don’t-always-sound-like frank o’hara because I COULDN’t
wait to tell you !!!! which is why i am telling you and you know what having a coke ZERO
wit-h you was my best day and last night when U said hahah HA don’t i always ask you
what happened next in the big book of my life and wow do you not look like a better happier
Well hahahaha you know the line ( i think ) and it’s like i woke up and i literally just could NOT wait
to tell you n there is some thing S O M E T H I N G about this day i can hear seagulls but like
gentle you know and they’re telling me babie GET TO THE BEACH and even though i feel sad
and like death comes tomorrow sometimes or this after NOON and i sometimes feel like
i’ll simply
if i get on the express train or pick the wrong flavor of Quadratini cookies if i do my errands
in the worst order simply fucking DIE if i don’t walk back 9 blocks to my long hallway
of an apartment and make sure the stove is turned off that i will die because i got a D in cellular
biology in undergrad NINE years ago or i’ll die because i didn’t cook dinner last night
that i will simply F U C K I N G die because i left too late to be on time and every evil i’ve everdone
comes whipping around ME i know that i will die because i didn't go to the protest and i was
scared of the cops and Because i PROMISED (myself hahahahahhhhhhhhah) that i would mop the whole
house but i just watched housewives (didn’t even READ) and sometimes because of this i know
that i will die but today THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT TODAY AND THE PROMISE thick
sea air and the two almost c o m p l e t e s h i v e r s 1st when the A train crests above ground at
80th street-boyd ave and 2nd the long stretch between JFK and broad channel when on the train we
Crest the channel and it feels inches an inch a-bove the water and we slide by the private islands
Of gulls and cormorants and heron after heron after heron after heron and some night herons as well
i just could not !!! can not wait to tell you how it feels to see the birds AND to scoop my paw
up under the sand AND feel the living-NESS of the sand crab AND you babie like i said my better
happier st. sebastian i just woke up goooooooooood morningggggggg AND could not WAIT
TO TELL YOU how it feels to know i’ll be at the beach with you soon AND how it feels to know
i will not die today