Duly considered

I keep thinking about how
it would have been better
if we were drunk. But this was no
drunken impulse, no mistake made 

with brains half-muddled with
lust half-clouded with drugs,
this was pre-meditated,
measured, duly considered and still

still we decided to hurt them.
I wonder what it is we see
in each other that makes it seem
worth it. 

Rhiannon Willson

Rhiannon Willson (She/Her) is a queer poet writing mostly about the people she loves. She spends her spare time playing scrabble with old ladies and trying to learn how to roller skate. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Dreams Walking, Royal Rose and The Honest Ulsterman, among others. She can be found on twitter @rhiannonwillson or through her website


Elegy To my Southern Accent


Treadmill covered in meat