Emotional impermanence

Today is a good day

I see the world through an Instagram filter:

glowing and accessible

I listen to love songs and sparkle at the joy of it: love, I mean, and songs too

I love so much I feel it writhing, wet and alive, beneath my skin

At lunch time, I buy sushi – wow

How did I ever feel sad when there are people everywhere

walking along the waterfront

buying books

drinking coffee

From the window at my desk I can see a small playcentre in the distance

I watch the children fall over in the sandpit and I feel so proud

Weeds growing through the concrete footpath

Bus drivers waving at each other 

A whole evening spread in front of me like a runway

I think about flash mobs and starting a not-for-profit

I google flights to Dublin and book a new tattoo

I think about how I have cried at every concert I have been to

All of us there, singing, together

It’s not long before I look back

all the way – my whole life

and it’s beautiful

It catches in the light

Nothing bad has ever happened to me

This feeling is ablaze and it will never end

I will never end


I feel so good that I could cry. I could sing. I could live

Erin Donohue

Erin Donohue is a writer and editor from Aotearoa New Zealand. Her first novel was published in 2017 and was a finalist in the NZCYA Book Awards. She is currently working on a collection of personal essays. 


