Ever do it sub aquatic?

I can be half-seal if you want.

Or full. Whatever.

[Sylkkie listens to your reply, backcombing her hair]

Ok. Top or bottom?

[“Top,” you reply]

Cool. I’ll dance better.

[Sylkkie sticks her seal tongue into the corner of her seal mouth]

You like cresting?

White horses as tabletops…

[…she’s slurring, and you imagine her swallowing you whole, like a megalodon]

Almost high tide.

[Her flipper brushes your zipper.

“So what?” you think, “I can just swim away,

any time I like.”]

You can just swim away,

any time you like.

[You both know this is a lie;

you’d let her rob you blind as a Sea Wolf at this point.]

Ever do it sub aquatic?

[In your mind you’re already front crawling, raking at the moon again,

just to see her phosphorescent snake hips.]

Syreeta Muir

Syreeta Muir has writing in/upcoming in Sledgehammer Lit, Misery Tourism, The Bear Creek Gazette, Ligeia Magazine, The Blood Pudding, and others. Her art has been published in Barren Magazine, Olney Magazine, The Viridian Door, and Rejection Letters. She has received Pushcart and Best of the Net nominations for her work in The Disappointed Housewife, and Versification.


Self-portrait as Stardew Valley farmer
