OB Night Shift at Elmhurst Hospital, October 2020

The night you were born
I took the bus across the bridge,
just in time to see the start of sunset
climb higher past the cityscape as the sun sank
low enough to be extinguished in the Hudson.
I thought about you and wondered at your name—
something beautiful and orange, to match this picture of the sky.
The windows opened to catch the last warm breeze of fall,
and I, just beginning, too,
could hardly wait to see you.

Anna Stacy

Anna Stacy (they/she) is a writer, actor, medical student, and multi-tasker from New York. She loves a good story and hates being bored. Their writing has been published in Perennial Press, the Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly, Passengers Journal, and Academic Emergency Medicine, and can be found on-screen in the award-winning web series Dead-Enders. Anna holds a B.A. in Anthropology and Theatre Arts from Brown University, and is working towards an M.D. at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Instagram @aceystacy


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