

Listen to this heart that roars out in protest -

That demands to feel and tread on through battlefields of forgotten lovers and old versions of myself that lay at my feet. Pieces of them scattered along the journey to always remind me of the past.


So many times I have tried stomping her out.

Forcing her to relinquish her passions and childlike innocence. This heart of mine is a warrior,

I hope she never dies.

Cyan Villanueva

Cyan Villanueva is a Hispanic twenty-five year old lover of words, born and raised in Brooklyn. She has spent much of her life, since the age of seven, writing poetry and has gone on to work on short stories and novels. Much of her work can be seen on her Instagram @poetcjv or in her latest poetry book, β€œThe Loversfortune: Vol. 1”, now available on Amazon


Ryder Ave


Wild as Her