What Does Freedom Taste Like

Content Warning: Mentions of abduction, murder, rape.

I don’t know what freedom tastes like.

And If I do, it’s not as pleasing as my Mama’s

pot of Gbegiri soup, waiting to be devoured with Amala.

I remember Papa once said being free is to walk 

on the street without wearing fear like hat;

to speak without being worn a nose mask of silence;

to go out with surety of returning to your loved ones' embrace.

Perhaps, Papa lived in another world;

Because I still don’t know what freedom tastes like.

I sought to ask Mama if she knows its taste, 

but her reply was clogged by the noise from our neighbor’s house:

Her son was nabbed for driving with tinted hair.

This doesn’t taste like the freedom papa told me.

Every free thing pushes you into a dungeon of forgetfulness.

I’m afraid to upload my “about me” on the bird app,

For fear of being the next victim of murder, rape, & ritual.

Every morning, I munch the Lord’s Prayer like chewing sticks;

That I don’t wake up with a calabash of concoction on my head.

I don’t know what freedom tastes like—

Perhaps, it died with Papa.

Akinrinade Funminiyi Isaac

Akinrinade Funminiyi Isaac, fondly called Esv_Keks is a Nigerian realtor and writer with works appearing in Writers Space Africa Magazine, Praxis Magazine, Word Rhymes and Rhythm (WRR) Anthology, Scion Magazine and elsewhere. He's the initiator of two poetry collections: Si(gh)lent Night, a night of sighs and wanders (2017) and 60 Seconds Silence (2020).

Twitter: https://twitter.com/esv_keks?s=09

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=1phuvsuhlx5u&utm_content=ypr75d

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/funminiyi-akinrinade


The Prayer

